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Wells, but both had far more pessimistic ideas for the future society.Although there are superficial resemblances between "Brave New World" and "1984", they are not really very much different. Huxley pictured a society of the near future in which technology provides all the material comforts required by human beings. There is no pain or illness, but there is also no knowledge and no creativity. Parents no longer give birth in the 'natural' way, instead children are produced in test tubes with designer characteristics depending on their international dating Peterborough destined social status. Human beings are conditioned from their artificial international Peterborough dating birth to fulfill a social role in breeding centers. Society is divided into four classes, Alphas, Betas, Gammas and Deltas, each with different international dating Peterborough breeding, clothing international dating Peterborough and conditioning to perform different tasks in society. The individual is thus likened to a single cell in the social body, unable to function individually. Unhappiness and emotion are catered for through the prescription of drugs. Criticism of this 'international dating Peterborough perfect' society comes international dating Peterborough from the 'Savage' who has been brought up outside the 'international dating Peterborough New World', and cannot understand this reduced form of human existence, without Shakespeare, without love, without emotion, without individuality.

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